ULMA Group collaborates closely with universities and vocational training institutions.

Aware of the synergies and benefits for everyone involved, at ULMA Group we attach great importance to creating and maintaining lines of communication and bridges that facilitate relationships with different universities and vocational training centres. The ongoing collaboration and creation of common ground between the business and educational sectors provides for a rich exchange of knowledge and creates new employment opportunities.

On the one hand such two-way communication translates into continuous adaptation and knowledge renewal on the part of ULMA Group’s partners and workers, to properly respond to market changes and demands. A good example is the recent initiative implemented in collaboration with MONDRAGON Goi Eskola Politeknikoa in Arrasate and Miguel Altuna Institutua in Bergara, which promotes access to higher-level educational cycles to obtain the professional qualifications required by ULMA Group cooperatives.

On the other hand, this relationship favours the incorporation of students into the workplace via professional apprenticeship programs or employment contracts. Here, ULMA Group has participated at various university fairs where students can learn first hand about the specific needs of exhibitor companies.

ULMA Empleo2At the last fair held at the University of Deusto, approximately 75 CVs were collected, on-site selection interviews were held and around 150 students approached the ULMA stand, where they were attended to by ULMA Handling Systems and ULMA Group human resources managers.

ULMA Group will continue working with our local universities in the months to come, to maintain a presence at the various employment events organised, and participate in presentations and talks such as that scheduled for 6 May at MONDRAGON Goi Eskola Politeknikoa in Arrasate.

ULMA Group aims to foster an entrepreneurial attitude amongst students through the development and promotion of such initiatives, welcome future qualified professionals completing their vocational training via apprenticeships at ULMA, and act in response to the high European demand for and scarcity of qualified profiles, particularly in technical areas such as electronic engineering, computing or higher level machining, and thereby contribute to economic reactivation through youth employment.