We are pleased to announce that ULMA Servicios de Manutención S.Coop has renewed its distribution agreement with Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe.
This will allow us to continue distributing the Mitsubishi Forklift Trucks brand throughout Spain for the next five years, thus giving continuity to a strong and long-standing relationship of collaboration, which dates back to 1986, two years after our company was founded.
Mitsubishi Logisnext is a leading global provider of logistics and material handling solutions tailored to the needs of local and trans-global customers.
MLE offers logistics and material handling customers a wide range of state-of-the-art forklift trucks, warehouse equipment and AGV (automated guided vehicle) solutions, along with racking, IoT (Internet of Things) systems and customised customer-centric service packages. These are marketed under the brand names Mitsubishi Forklift Trucks, Cat® Lift Trucks, UniCarriers, Rocla and TCM. The Mitsubishi Forklift Trucks brand we represent has a solid reputation in the market and, through it, we offer a wide range of equipment, enabling most customers to meet their material handling needs.