Drainage channels in Arese Shopping Centre

Installation of ULMA Architectural drainage channels in the car park of Arese shopping centre in Italy.

In line with our policy of boosting our presence on the Italian market, ULMA Architectural Solutions has been involved in the building work for Arese shopping centre, which will officially open next April. ‘Arese Shopping Center’ is the largest mall ever built in Italy, covering 120,000 square metres. Strategically located in the heart of Lombardy, it will replace the former Alfa Romeo car plant with a new experience factory.

In this large-scale work, ULMA Architectural Solutions has installed over 1100 square metres of drainage channels throughout the surface of the underground car park. The MULTIV+ range of drainage channels, measuring 200 mm wide, has been installed with a quick attachment system and blocking option.

The MULTIV+ drainage system brings together the following in a single system: economy, reduced height, 8-point attachment and the option of a cascading gradient. The solution offered by ULMA is therefore perfectly aligned with the requirements of the project.