Corporate Twitter at ULMA with more than 1.700 followers

Did you know that ULMA has a very active profile on Twitter? Currently, ULMA has 1,700 followers and publishes information related with the Group and its Businesses on a daily basis

In a world where all brands are seeking to generate a community around them, ULMA could not be left behind. Nowadays, if you are not on the Internet, one could say that you do not exist and if you are not on Twitter, we can safely say that you are not known.

Social networks and primarily Twitter have become the actual showcase for the Brand.  If you want to be a benchmark and influential in your sector, being active on Twitter is a must be. This is not a choice, it is a strategic decision.

For 2017, the plan is to promote communicating on Social Networks and especially on Twitter. This will be the channel used by ULMA to communicate news related with their business as well as the corporate sector and also the relationship it maintains with the agents that form part of the area where we live.

The contents that can be seen on the Twitter profile are varied; from news about the business, pictures about fairs they attend, projects they participate in, videos related with events or projects, relationship of ULMA with the different agents in the area, etc.

Don’t waste your time! Stay abreast of the latest news related with ULMA and contribute your two cents as a member of the ULMA Community.